Southeast Strategic Facility Master Plan

Southeast United States

500+ bed hospital in the southeast.

Determining optimal services for a range of future needs.

A convergence of internal and external forces created an impetus for campus reorganization and new facility construction; however, with patient volumes projected to remain flat, fiscally conservative interventions preserve flexibility to respond to future uncertainties.

Existing facility size, configuration, and design create challenges for access, efficiency, circulation and way finding, patient experience, and family support. System expansion presents additional challenges. To forecast future capacity needs, 澳门足彩app calculated the impact of patients potentially diluted among new providers in the system. Our team determined optimum service line distribution based upon local demographics and detailed zip code projections to quantify a range of future capacity scenarios.

Our recommendations ranged from minimally invasive to substantial interventions designed to address patient experience, physical infrastructure, and volume challenges. We examined the financial and strategic impacts of options ranging from renovating in place to building new Greenfield facilities. Each option addressed the specific needs of the emergency department, inpatient bed towers, lab, cancer, and other service lines.

A key charge of this engagement was to communicate the domino effect of decisions made today, tempering desired outcomes with achievable, cost-effective, long-term solutions. Specific recommendations for the troubled emergency department included renovation to provide oversized treatment rooms able to flex to double occupancy, as well as operational throughput improvement to reduce ALOS by 25%, thereby effectively increasing capacity by moving patients through the department more quickly. We also proposed renovation of the older of the two existing inpatient towers to right-size the units, address immediate infrastructure needs, and reallocate beds between the two towers. This solution addresses concerns over patient satisfaction and aesthetics and allows the organization to remain competitive.

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